The Semicolon: A Symbol in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

The Semicolon: A Symbol in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

In writing, a semicolon is used to connect two closely aligned statements in one sentence. To the reader, the semicolon suggests a moment to pause between both parts of the sentence.

The Semicolon has also emerged as more than just a punctuation mark. It now serves as a powerful symbol for those facing mental health struggles to continue their journeys and stay resilient. It’s also part of why The SemiColon Shop exists, to begin conversations that break mental health stigmas and empower people.  


It wasn’t until around 2013 that semicolons became a symbol of hope and a movement to motivate those struggling with mental health. Project Semicolon was founded by Amy Bleuel as a way to honor her father’s life after he died of suicide. 

According to its website, Project Semicolon is a nonprofit organization with a mission to,empower individuals with mental health experiences to embrace their journey and recognize that their story is far from over.”

The movement created an analogy between the semicolon and mental health. A semicolon is “used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence but chose not to.” In the face of mental health struggles, the semicolon reminds us to not give up despite grappling with mental health challenges.


The semicolon now serves as a great way to spark conversations and spread mental health awareness. The semicolon and its meaning is well received within the media and art community!

For example, semicolon tattoos have become a popular way for individuals to make a statement. Semicolons are typically tattooed on a person’s wrist and each glance at the tattoo serves as a reminder to keep moving forward.  

Writers and artists have also found creative ways to embrace the semicolon movement in their works and advocate for mental health.  Poems, stories, and artworks have been created featuring the semicolon as a metaphor to empower others to choose survival.

The semicolon reminds people that their stories are valuable and encourage them to seek help rather than ending their lives prematurely.


If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, consider embracing the semicolon as a symbol of hope. Sharing your unique story and experiences is a great way to show others that you are not only.

There are many ways you can share your story, writing blogs, using social media, or various forms of self expression like fashion.

Clothing is a great way to express your thoughts and feelings and make a statement. The SemiColon Shop was created to raise mental health awareness and encourages open conversation about issues that may be thought to be taboo. 

The shop sells clothing and accessories featuring mental health quotes and sayings to encourage not only the person wearing the item, but anyone who sees it! When someone recognizes a popular message or it resonates with them on a deeper level, it opens the door to a meaningful conversation about mental health.

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